Friday, March 24, 2006

Today’s Accounting Information System (AC213) lab session was special, very special in deed, for there came (drum effect at the background) the grand entrance of Dr. B, 30-year-old (confirmed by Pam) but looking 20 plus. Very pleasant-looking she is (courtesy of MY’s comment), and that drove all my class guys mad (those non-attached ones lah…), but too bad.. the observant Pam pointed out the ring on her left hand (confirmed married liao….but again I remember Khai Leng also wears one leh hahahaa)
It’s all started by Daph who typed ‘all the guys must be very happy lah’
And then all the comments poured down like waterfall (oh, we were chatting on msn, cos it’s an IT lab session, so while teacher was talking, we just opened a window and added everyone into the conversation to spice up our mood if anyone happened to feel sleepy)

Her fringe is darn attractive! (Qing Wen)
Hot, she keeps standing in front of me! (Wei Min)
Handwriting very nice le!
Now I know a working woman is attractive!

Well, Albert didn’t contribute much to this for there were other more unknown important things on his mind. Mong Yong was too excited (think those bona- fide kapo us were even more excited than him) about his beloved girlfriend’s birthday to care about Dr. B. Seeing his photos, I always think that Ming yong’s gf is very pretty, though never meet her in real life before, lucky guy ah, Ming Yong.

Supposed to attend some FACT Talk after 213, and the guys were dying to go there ‘cos Dr. B was gonna go there as well. Didn’t know if QW went in the end, but the unfortunate Wei min had something on… miss the chance of a life time, cos next week another teacher is coming.

Well, the arbitrator declared that my contract with Wei Min should be voluntarily terminated due to the breach of a fundamental condition (this is settled out of court for the privacy sake of both parties)… hahaha, what rubbish!

Dear (John, not Wei Min ah), remember I was joking about you going overseas so I signed a contract with Wei Min for him to be my substitute for 5 years? So sometimes I just teased him over this stupid thing, but now ah, think if I continue teasing him, he’ll be deprived of his chances out there… hahaha…. (like according to Albert), there was a girl, in Café by the Quad that day, who is actually Weimin’s SECRET admirer, and she must be very sad after listening me… poor thing!

And weekends come again, how I dislike this feeling! How it was so exciting waiting for weekends to come, not just to relax after one long week (everyday lesson ends 6:30 or 7:30pm for me) but also to watch movies, to eat porridge at glutton square, to lose wallet (hahaha), to watch soccer, to meet at all the fun restaurants like the German buffet, to go to Esplanade my favorite place, to receive so many surprised little cards fo no reason like this cute one (you see the paper's turning yellow with time already hee hee), to…. the list goes on forever… It’s now slightly different… no, it’s just an euphemism saying ‘slightly different’, I should say it’s ‘poles apart’ (in accordance with Irene’s and my creative choice of words in writing our 202 report), for I spend more time doing my art works now, and looking through my French although I’ve decided to continue with German (the only thing I like for this semester but ironically it’s just a general elective and therefore not counted). Sometimes I wonder how life’s gonna be like for the next 5 years meaning 60 months, 1825 days, 43800 hours (and I don’t wanna count till minutes, or seconds or mini seconds because the figure will be too big, very demoralizing). I had wanted to make myself super occupied by registering for 2 extra modules this semester( besides my cores which already give me a mountain of readings) but I realized it didn’t work that way, cos I seldom study during weekends, and it’s during the weekends that I wanna make myself busier. And there’s no point adding more pressure to my weekdays for I’ve already had enough of all the core modules, so I decided to drop one of it (inspired by Tingkang who also dropped the consumer law hee)

((….just after I finished typing the above para, some girl who spoke French called me over Skype, she got my contact from this blog, and she thought that I must know how to speak French very well (because of my blog name ‘J’aime mon wombat’), but sad to say, I can’t converse everything I want to in French, so I just spoke a few sentences to her. I don’t know her, I think she got the wrong person; maybe she was looking for some long lost friend…))

Sometimes, when I try to visualize what Zhenghan’s going through, I can’t help tearing, imagining that he needs to put up a brave facade, but even if he’s just trying hard to pretend to be brave, the act itself is already brave enough (if you get what I mean). It makes me wonder why so many people around me (and also including myself sometimes) complain so much about long-distance relationships (ldr), being dumped or whatever and in turn become super miserable over it..
Come on, for ldr or break-up, at least we are still ALIVE to make things happen, to wait for our loves till the day we’re re-united in the case of ldr, or to make a brand new start after having been heart-broken once. But it’s just human nature to sometimes lose control and dwell into self-pity. We’ve forgotten that we are still fortunate enough to have a chance to continue with our dreams, and that the road ahead is still full of pleasant surprises waiting for us to discover, so let’s make a positive difference to other people’s lives by stopping ourselves from thinking about all the miseries which in many instances are actually not that miserable come to think of it carefully.

Idealistic as I may seem to be, it’s partly true, isn’t it? And to Zhenghan, I admire his courage, for if I were in his position, I think I wouldn’t be able to take it. The same goes to Trang (Elegence), my cousin Thu Hang (Autumn Moon), Stella, and Helga. ‘A part of me dies in her, and a part of her lives in me’ I read this from Zhenghan’s blog and I cried. It doesn’t matter whether all these friends of mine pretend to be brave or not, they are the people that remind me that we need to go on with our life, and to make the best out of it, not just dwelling forever into the misery. When we talk about the past, sometimes their voices tremble and their eyes almost watery, and myself too, but we know, deep inside our heart etched the dearest memories of our loved ones. These moments don’t give us pain, rather they're taken along with us to be the sunshine after the rain, giving us the courage to move on and to treasure our lives.

Look at me
You may think you see
Who I really am
But you’ll never know me
Every day, is as if I play a part
Now I see
If I wear a mask
I can fool the world
But I can not fool
My heart
Who is that girl I see
Staring straight back at me?
When will my reflection show
Who I am inside?
I am now
In a world where
I have to
Hide my heart
And what I believe in
But somehow
I will show the world
What’s inside my heart
And be loved for who I am


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