Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Jane (zane zane, Mao Ming bright cat, blur queen)

I've told many of my NTU friends about Jane, my TJ classmate, one of the best Singaporean I've ever met. Bias views maybe, hahaha, cos I'm close to her, but more or less it's true that she's a real nice girl.

One thing about her, she silently admires her mum, but never tell her mum about that though (paiseh), and she has a few 'funny' sisters.

Jane has an undying love affair with
Ludwig van Beethoven. She loves Beethoven, Beethoven and Beethoven. You must see her when she plays piano, so passionate. All my 22/02 people were enthralled by her music, that day when we got nothing to do in the lecture theater and she kena forced by us to play. It's so captivating and enchanting that Yvonne (or is it Yen San?) was so sure that she's gonna send her daughter to Jane for piano lessons in the far future (not forgetting to ask for discounted fee though)

It's like a little magic, the way she painted the dull lecture theater with colorful musical notes... like in a fairytale when you see the angel raise her magic wand, and in a blink, a tail of twinkling light evolves.

Nanyang girl, smart she is, 6 points for O'level, could have gone to RJ cos RJ also offers music, but thank God she didn't. I can still visualize myself persuading her not to go to RJ that day when we needed to put our choices after O' Level results were out. (Didn't care much about where Wei Chern would go to though, cos he was no more than a normal classmate to me that time.. hahaha.. though i did ask him what he got for his Os heehee..)

Now, Jane's taking music (what else?) at King's College London, "I wanna see you perform in Esplanade, not become a music teacher le!" i always tell her. But there is a reason for everything i guess..
Last time in JC, whenever I didn't feel well, I always called her for a live request "hey, can play the winter sonata song for me?" "Play Fur Elise le" or "Hi, play Moonlight Sonata for me, can?"
dont know how many times i had asked her to play piano for me over the phone. Her loud sisters were helpful, sometimes when i requested for some weird weird piece, they would help her search for the music scores.

That blur queen was the vicechair of TJ Chinese Orchestra, the famous CO that always get gold for SYF. That time, at the end of the term when i was almost broke, and erm... didn't really know how to appreciate Chinese music, but she wanted me to go for her CO concert "Thu Huong, you must go and listen to Chinese music once"... so she happily subsidized me half price, in the end didn’t have enough money for dinner (Hwei Ching told me), poor thing aiyo...

She's different from the rest, blur, 'stupid', sincere, bully-able, smart, funny, and never fail to encourage and motivate me whenever i feel lousy. Alex must be the luckiest guy in the world man! Good friends are hard to come by, sometimes when i ponder over those hi-bye friends, or friends who misunderstood me over certain things (Albert, I'm not referring to you, dun worry hahaha) I feel so blessed that people like her are still around. They make this small world more breathable, more colorful and more loving.


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