Sunday, September 30, 2007

There are things that one will never be able to understand without having to experience it. We were born into this world, divine like an angel, light as a snow flake and pure as the clearest spring water. We grow up into the little princess of Wales and the daughter of nobody in Calcutta. Who flips the coin?

Have you ever seen the other side of the world, the one which is full of dark hollow streets, bitter tears and disappointment, walking human with empty mind and soul? A line has been sketched clumsily dividing the two worlds, everyone calls it ‘an invisible line’, but somehow it seems rather conspicuous, isn’t it?

Where do these 2 worlds come from? Within or without?

People are curious to get a glimpse of the other side of the world; after all, seeing doesn’t hurt, does it? But little do they know that ‘without’ is just a few inches away from ‘within’. That is the beauty and also the agony of the mind.

‘The Art of Happiness’, an international bestseller, says that ‘(happy people) are found to be more loving and forgiving than unhappy people.’ Movies and drama series depict happy people loving, losing, forgiving and then becoming unhappy for the rest of their lives.

We have a choice no matter what the circumstance may be. Perhaps, everyone blames life to be unfair at least once in their life. But isn’t life a lot about ‘gives’ and ‘takes’? John told me once that it’s a joy being at the receiving end but it’s hundred times better being at the giving end, be it loving someone, helping a friend, curing a patient or giving a coin to a street performer.

Nothing is perfect but everything could be as perfect as one wants it to be. Maybe, I’m lucky to have been able to understand life a little bit better, knowing the sincerity as well as the shadiness that everyone’s soul is capable of. At the end of the journey, I’m thankful that there’s always somebody understanding and appreciating the way I am without ever questioning, and being there for me with the brightest and most assuring smile to brighten up my days. That’s when I know life could be the way we choose it to be, that’s where I find my happiness.


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