Friday, September 15, 2006

enlarge the pic so you can see more clearly. Sharmaine, can you spot Ah Soh? and Khai Leng, do you see Wei Lian aka Ah Lian? :) Wonder if any more of my dearies here are related to WeiChern, John's OCS buddies..

I kop this from Zhenghan's blog, think it looks funny. We were supposed to act like in family portrait, and being the only girl there, i guess i automatically became the mother.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


... So Jane is flying off next Mon, and wont be back till next year. Holiday passed so fast, as always. We all grow up, 21 years old, so big already. We are going separate ways pursuing different career paths, knowing more people, having found our other halves, but our friendship doesn't change with years, we are still quite 'stupid' together hahaha.. I really feel thankful that our friendship doesn't fade with time, that we understand there are certain period when we may seem distant, but deep down we still care. That's the beauty of friendship. And that's how you find friends for life... you may not need a friend to live by, you can survive without the person, but you want to have him/her in your life, because that's how it makes your life meaningful and worth living for.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Happy National Day!

the 4 of us were at NTU Hall 12 function room for 2/9 celeration. For my non-Vietnamese friends, it is my NATIONAL DAY!!

Anyway, the flower isn't mine if you were thinking that it is.. hahaha.. it's our 'surprised' sunflower for Hieu, the guy with the guitar. (he came over here from NUS to be the 'guest' performer). Being the Idol in NUS and all, NTU must be proud to get him to perform here hahaha. Well, to the 14 of us who have known each other for 7 years, i guess to each other, we are just the same old brand new.

To me, Hieu is still that boy who used to hide himself under the table in RELC and sing 'Yesterday' in 1999. Tu Anh is still that cute girl who has thousands of stories to tell about her beloved cat mimi. Trang likes West Life, Thanh Ha and her pink stuffed toy pig, Chi and her 'violent' character, Nguyen and her Dalat stories, and Hang... oh, this is a little bit different, i didnt know her much at first, or rather things i used to know about her wasn't true of her personalities, for this, i'm really happy that now to me, she is one special fren too. And the rest of my friends who came over here on 4/Oct/1999... sometimes, looking back makes me feel puzzled about my future. i am graduating soon and 'Should i stay? should i go?'

I am very much a Vietnamese but more often than not, my friends tell me that i'm very singaporean and worse, my student told me she is less singaporean than me cos she didn't know as many places in singapore as i do. Well, i attribute this to the fact that i have stayed here for long and i like to explore this land to see new places with my singaporean friends.

But John and Albert were right, i was truely happy in those pix that i took with my group of vietnamese frenz. It is when i can speak those funny slangs that there is no way English can express, when i can talk about places and people that everyone knows without the need for any further explanation, when i feel like i'm home.

It's been rather long since when i last attended a national day celebration. feeling a bit nostalgic, but guess it is the same for everyone who is far from home. (Got a msg from my sister and parents saying 'happy national day', miss those times at home watching the parade on TV and got my dad to explain to me what forces those groups were)
'north, south, east, west, home is the best'

Well, if i decide to stay, it means i have to trade in all these feelings for 1 person. It is not as easy as what some people may thing, it's never an easy decision to make. You understand very well how much home means to me, and it just goes to show how much you mean to me. Why can't i have both beside me? perhaps it was meant to be that way the day my little feet stepped into Singapore, or should it actually be the other way round? the day your big feet stepped into Vietnam?