Wednesday, July 19, 2006

All of us grow stronger with time, everyone says so. But sometimes i wonder where the true meaning behind it really lies. If you feel bad for the first time something happens and you cry... the next time it happens again, you feel equally bad but you just force yourself not to cry because you feel the pressure of having to be stronger than the first time... it is just the same feeling minus the tears... does it make you any stronger?

Havent been teaching my ID trainee for quite long, and i felt bad, but I guess we all are desperate for some breathing space at certain point in time. Dun have a place in hostel yet, hopefully by the time i come back here, there will be a room for me.

I miss watching World Cup together, i miss cheering for England beside someone who hates them. i miss hi5-ing when Germany scored. Where will you (and i) be in 2010? Your Marist gang should have finished uni, waiting for commencement in NUS and convocation in NTU by then. Will Singapore make it to 2010 worldcup? i told you my honest opinion about it while we were walking to Esplanade that day hahaha... i think you should still remember.

Went back to Tj to visit Mrs Loo today and updated her with everything i could remember.

always feel nostalgic whenever i return to my old schools, be it CHIJ or Tj, not because i'm die-hard TJ fan like what Weimin said but because of the many memories etched in my mind. In every corner of the school, i imagined all of us walking, running, chatting. I thought i saw 22/02 doing physics prac with Mrs Loo hopping around when i walked pass the physics labs. i chose to order 'wild wild west' breakfast set, the most well liked dish in the cafeteria during our era. The auntie told me "girl, you dont know ah? now students have changed their taste already. Last time lunch time, 1 big pot of chicken stew (my fav!) also not enough, now very few people order, they all want beef stew so i dont cook chicken stew anymore, change to beef already!"

Time flies and people change, and i am gonna enter the corporate world in just 1 year. We grow up too fast, i miss the past. Memories fade with time, slowly we wont be able to remember all the details of what has happened, but as long as you can vaguely recall them, they stay in you forever. Somehow you have the power to make me believe that the beautiful past will always be with me and the present is even more beautiful. With you, feeling nostalgic is kinda sweet. Without you, nostalgia makes me feel as if i'm having a big chunk of wood in my throat and dun seem to be able to swallow it down. what a stupid feeling, rite?

I want to make myself think less, care less, ignore more, be indifferent.. Maybe with time, i will be able to.